Among the classes in game design and production that I teach at the University of Southern California, two of them tend to produce published student work at the end of them. The first, Advanced Game Project, is a year-long intensive capstone class for undergraduates. In Advanced Game Project, individual students must pitch their game idea to a panel of faculty in the spring to be considered as a game director in the fall. Each of the projects is staffed with a large team, usually between twelve and twenty-five students, and spends the subsequent year in production. The second class, Finishing and Polishing Games, is offered annually to students who have a beta-complete game they would like to present in a public context, such as at a games festival, crowdfunding campaign, or investor pitch. These students spend a semester refining their products and learning about public relations, community management, and marketing. I'm extremely proud of the games that my students have created and released through these classes, and you will find a selection of them here.